Friday, February 13, 2009

Facts : Animals

Here are some facts about animals that I've come across.

A rat can last longer without water than a camel!

Only humans and dogs have a prostate gland!

A flock of Ravens is called a Murder!

Possums spend about eighty percent of their lives asleep!

Emus and Kangaroos are on the Australian coat of arms because they cannot walk backwards!

Donkeys kill more people annually than airplane crashes!

A Polar Bear can swim for 60 miles without rest!

Butterflies taste with their feet!

Because of the bubonic plague fleas were responsible for killing one third of the population of Europe in the fourteenth century!

A bear, when fully grown, can run as fast as a horse!

The only mammals actually indigenous to New Zealand are bats!

The Coyote's scientific name (canis latrans) literally means "barking dog"!

In the early 1900's a single Tiger was responsible for the deaths of nearly 450 people!

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